TUBEX has launched the 2024 season of its Tree Shelter Collection and Recycling Programme, calling on all who use tree shelters to ‘fulfil your commitment to the land’.

Many recent grants, such as the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO), make collection a requirement, stating that landowners must “remove and dispose of tree guards in an appropriate manner when no longer required, and by year 15 in all cases.”

As such, the removal of used tree shelters is a collective responsibility. Tubex is investing heavily in the scheme, to provide tree planters with a convenient platform to facilitate the responsible removal and recycling of their shelters.

(Image: Supplied)

Landowners can bring collected shelters to more than 15 hubs around the UK free of charge, or alternatively book a doorstep collection for a small fee. 

James Taylor, product line director at Tubex, said: “Essentially, we’re asking stakeholders to uphold your promise to protect the environment, regardless of whether this is mandated by your grant or simply a desire to do the right thing by ensuring shelters aren’t left in the environment.

Tubex's James TaylorTubex's James Taylor (Image: FJ/Jack Haugh)

“We have plenty of dates throughout the summer and we hope to increase the number of hubs nationwide, so please check the interactive map for the latest details. The more people who can collect shelters or open new hubs, the bigger and more positive the impact we can make as a sustainably-minded community.”