A UNIQUE ‘Woodland to Workshop’ course will bring together tree growers, wood users and beyond to learn how to make the most of the vital connections between woodlands and workshops.

This ground-breaking course, run by the charity Woodland Heritage, is supported by practitioners from the forestry and timber industries and is based at the Duchy of Cornwall’s woodland, Whitney Sawmills, and at the New Model Institute for Technology and Engineering (NMITE), all in Herefordshire.

Geraint Richards, head forester to the Duchy of Cornwall and Woodland to Workshop course founder, said: “I have been teaching on Woodland Heritage’s wonderful Woodland to Workshop courses since they began. 

“The fact that the attendees are drawn from a wide variety of backgrounds makes the discussions so varied and stimulating. 

“It’s vital that we increase the understanding around the management of our trees and woodlands and the use of the products we can derive from them.”

Kester Hoefkens, a trained cabinet maker, added: “It was great to see the different ends of the industry come together.”

The course will be held on 24 to 26 September, and costs £600. 

To book, visit: woodlandheritage.org/woodland-to-workshop