THE UK remains the second-largest net importer of timber in the world, according to new detailed statistics. 

A total of £8.5 billion worth of wood was brought into the country during 2021, with only China importing more in that time. Around £2 bn was exported by British firms.  

It means the UK once again imported more timber than the likes of Japan, Italy and Russia. 

These statistics are confirmed in Forest Research's latest Forestry Facts and Figures document, which has just been published for 2022. 

READ MORE: Conservationists hit out at idea of 'timber towns' and more forest plantations

Other facts revealed in the research include: 

  • 15,300 hectares of publicly funded restocking were reported in 2021/22
  • 62 per cent of softwood timber came from private land 
  • 3.6 million m3 of sawnwood was produced by the UK's sawmills - the highest figure since 2018 
  • The Coniferous Standing Sales Price Index was 41 per cent higher in March 2022 compared to the same time last year 
  • Around 19,000 jobs are provided by the forestry sector 

Forestry Journal: The document's cover The document's cover (Image: FR)

For the full facts and figures, visit Forest Research's website. A free hardcopy is also available to order.