THE forestry sector is "chronically under-resourced" and that threatens to derail the UK's attempts to meet net-zero targets. 

That's according to the boss of the sector’s professional body, who says more has to be done to deliver modern, sustainable forestry on a large scale. 

Louise Simpson's comments come amid mounting pressure on ministers over recently announced proposals for 38 investment zones – areas in England where the government will loosen planning rules in order to release more land for commercial and housing developments - and the UK's repeated failure to hit its tree-planting ambitions. 

In the most recent annual figures, only around 14,000 hectares of new woodland were planted in all four nations - less than half of the yearly 30,000 ha target. 

Louise, the executive director of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF), said: “This is a pivotal moment for forestry. The industry is under huge pressure but the workforce is chronically under-resourced and there is an acute shortage of skills.

"This has grave consequences for meeting the UK’s climate responsibilities and we urge the new government to grow a strong and resilient forestry sector that delivers on its ambitions for net zero, nature recovery and the green economy.”

READ MORE: APF 2022: Show comes to a close as event hailed for positive impact on forestry

In the Forestry Skills Crisis position paper published last year, the ICF said: “Never in peace time has there been a more urgent skills gap in forestry.” Citing industry research, it stated that the workforce needed to grow by 86 per cent in England and 63 per cent in Wales by 2030 and by up to 72 per cent in Scotland by 2027. 

In a bid to address this, the chartered body has launched the Emerging Leader Programme, developed in partnership with Clore Social Leadership and funded by the Defra Trees Call to Action fund.

Participants will develop skills that will ensure effective management of trees, forests and woodlands in order to face planting targets, climate change mitigation, the biodiversity crisis and the rising demand for timber and wood-based products.

Louise added: "This initiative will give them the confidence and courage to make real changes and deliver modern sustainable forestry that works for the UK environment, economy and society.”

For more information on the leadership programme, visit