WITH the ascension of Charles to the throne, it marked the end of his time as the Prince of Wales, during which he was the official royal patron of a number of forestry-related charities and good causes. 

In his first official address to the nation as King Charles III, The Queen's eldest child confirmed he had passed on the title to his own son, William, whose wife Catherine took on the role of Princess of Wales. 

This also likely brought to a close Charles' reign as patron of those organisations related to the sector, with the King instead set to assume the positions previously held by Queen Elizabeth II. This includes being patron of the Royal Forestry Society. 


It means Prince William could become the patron of several major forestry groups, such as the Commonwealth Forestry Association and the Duchy of Cornwall. 

In a statement last week, the latter said: "The passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of HM King Charles III marks the transition of the title of the Duke of Cornwall to HRH The Duke of Cambridge. 

Forestry Journal: Prince William has assumed the patronages previously held by his father Prince William has assumed the patronages previously held by his father (Image: PA)

"As such the estate is in safe hands. It is right at this time, to recognise the huge changes made by our 24th Duke of Cornwall over 70 years. His Majesty passes the estate on much improved." 

Here is the full list of organisations that Charles is likely to pass passed on the patronage to William, and any statements released by officials in the wake of Queen Elizabeth II's passing last week. 

Commonwealth Forestry Association

Forestry Journal: FJFJ (Image: FJ)

International forestry organisation uniting foresters, scientists, students, NGOs and policy makers.

"The President, Trustees, Executive Committee and members of the Commonwealth Forestry Association are deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - a Patron of the CFA and a true champion of the value of forests throughout the Commonwealth." 

Duchy of Cornwall

Forestry Journal: FJFJ (Image: FJ)

The Duchy of Cornwall is one of two royal duchies in England, the other being the Duchy of Lancaster.

"It is with great sadness that we observe the demise of HM Queen Elizabeth II. HM Queen Elizabeth II took a keen interest in the Duchy of Cornwall during both the reign of her father HM King George VI and in the early years of her own reign.

"Together with HRH The Duke of Edinburgh, she made a number of visits across the Duchy estate and attended Council meetings until her son, HRH The Prince of Wales came of age as Duke of Cornwall.

"The passing of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the succession of HM King Charles III marks the transition of the title of the Duke of Cornwall to HRH The Duke of Cambridge. As such the estate is in safe hands.

"It is right at this time, to recognise the huge changes made by our 24th Duke of Cornwall over 70 years. His Majesty passes the estate on much improved.

"Clearly, this loss has had a profound impact across the Duchy family including on our many tenants. We will be observing a period of mourning but nevertheless all our offices will be open." 

Woodland Heritage

Forestry Journal: FJFJ (Image: FJ)

Organisation seeking to improve the management of woodlands in the UK.

British Horse Loggers

Forestry Journal: BHLBHL (Image: FJ)

Group of professional contractors who work horses by choice in contemporary forestry.

"We are saddened by the news of the death of Her Majesty The Queen. We would like to send our condolences to the Royal family, her family and say, thank you."

Castle Howard Arboretum Trust

Forestry Journal: CHATCHAT (Image: FJ)

One of the largest collections of hardy woody plants in Europe, based at Castle Howard, Yorkshire.

"The team at The Yorkshire Arboretum wish to express their very great sadness at the death of Her Majesty The Queen, and send their condolences to His Majesty King Charles III and the Royal Family.

"Out of respect for Her Majesty, The Yorkshire Arboretum will be closed on Friday 9 September 2022, and on the day of her funeral."

National Botanic Garden of Wales

Forestry Journal:

Botanic garden located in Llanarthne, Carmarthenshire.

"Queen Elizabeth II was a truly remarkable person who dedicated her life to her people and for this we offer our heartfelt thanks.

"We send our sincerest condolences to the Royal Family and our deepest sympathies to our Patron, His Majesty King Charles III."

Queen's Green Canopy

Forestry Journal:

UK-wide tree planting initiative to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022.

"As we reflect on Her Majesty's extraordinary life, we remember her love of trees. The Queen planted more than 1,500 all over the world throughout her long reign and enjoyed the trees in her own gardens.

"The Green Canopy is proudly creating a living legacy of over a million trees planted in Her Majesty's name across the UK. Trees represent many of The Queen’s qualities - particularly strength & resilience. Trees provide shelter to life around them & enhance the natural environment."

Soil Association

Forestry Journal: Soil Soil (Image: Soil)

Environmental charity promoting sustainable, organic farming and championing human health.

Helen Browning, Soil Association CEO, said: “It is with immense admiration that we reflect on Her Majesty’s extraordinary service to the UK and the Commonwealth and we share the nation’s sorrow at her loss.

"We will celebrate and miss her equally as a remarkable monarch, inspirational woman and a warm and trusted constant across seven decades.”

Oxford Botanic Gardens

Forestry Journal: Oxford Oxford (Image: Oxford)

The oldest botanic garden in the UK.