The APF Exhibition is the UK’s largest forestry, woodland, arboriculture, firewood, fencing, trees and timber trade show. As organisation continues for APF 2024, its exhibition secretary offers Forestry Journal readers an exclusive insight into how preparations are coming along.

AS I write, there are just 14 weeks left until we open the gates for APF 2024.
Exhibitor bookings continue to come in daily. We were delighted to welcome Komatsu Forest back as our 230th exhibitor. We want the APF show to represent the whole forest industry from the top-of-the-range, state-of-art machines to the traditional woodland crafts using little more than a billhook, so it is great to have one of the ‘big boys’ with us.

Those of you that run harvesting machinery will be well aware of the cost of transporting machinery, so we appreciate the commitment it takes to attend the show by all our exhibitors. The fact they do makes the APF show what it is – a one-stop shop for all your machinery and equipment needs. Other things are bubbling along as well that I hope to be able to announce next time.

Our demo committee is getting increasingly busy as we work against deadlines to ensure we have all the right infrastructure booked for the show. With a large event like APF 2024 it is the details that perhaps most people don’t think about that can make a big difference to your experience as a visitor. Who clears the litter during and after each show day? Fortunately, our visitors are very respectful of the site as we all work in the countryside. If you ever see one of the ‘day after’ photos of a large music festival and the squalor that is left behind you will know what I mean and recognise the difference.


We do still have litter to clear and it is unbelievably expensive to hire a litter-picking team, even if you can find one. Our assistant chief co-ordinator Mat has had an awful job trying to find one at anything resembling a decent cost. If any of you fancy setting up a litter-picking company for events there is money to be made!

We try to be as green as we can and encourage recycling so that nearly 100 per cent of our waste does not go to landfill. Everything from coffee cups to beer glasses will be recycled. Mat has sourced some compactor skips that are solar powered to reduce fuel costs in terms of providing electricity to run them and reduce the expense of transport. We have been promised they will run even if there is no sun. However, as we know, the sun always shines on the APF.

After going out to tender and appointing a marquee company to supply our needs I received an email last week saying an existing customer had asked for more tentage for an event so they would no longer be able to supply us. I had to edit my reply a few times before it was suitable and legal to send.

Our chief co-ordinator Jem has been finalising orders for our cabins, fencing and tracking. It has become very noticeable that after supplying us for one show some suppliers will submit prices that are considerably higher than the previous show in the hope we won’t go out to tender. While it is true that we place great value in working with contractors that have shown themselves to be reliable and professional – and a pound or two above other quotes can be acceptable – there is a limit to this and when show-on-show prices increase by 25 per cent plus then we really don’t like being treated as idiots. That is why we do test prices by going out to tender each time. In early post-COVID times a lot of companies had gone to the wall, so choice was limited, but no longer. If you want to supply us, please keep your pencil sharp when quoting.

Mat is sourcing timber for our exhibitors. We are hoping to supply much of it from Ragley Estate to keep transport costs down and with the seemingly ever-increasing restrictions on bio-security. Most of you will be aware of the recent extension of the Ips exclusion zone into East Anglia.

One of our exhibitors – who, for the moment, shall remain anonymous – has just requested a 15 m tall broadleaf so they can demonstrate their equipment. Not a 15 m long log, a 15 m tall tree, complete with branches, that can be set vertically into the ground. I haven’t passed that request on to Mat yet!

Sponsors are very important to us as they enable us to put on events that we would simply not be able to afford otherwise. In addition to A W Jenkinson, Coombe Forestry, Euroforest, Forestry Journal, Husqvarna, Rainbow Professional, Richard Court Forest Engineering and Tilhill Forestry, we are delighted to welcome new sponsors Teufelberger and Pfanner, who are sponsoring the APF Tree Climbing Challenge, so look out for some great prizes there. Fletcher Stewart will also be providing our team with some very smart Sovos helmets. Many thanks to all of them for their support. We do still have some great sponsorship opportunities available including gates and entrances, have-a-go tree climbing and the UK Lumberjack competition. Please get in touch if you would like to get involved. We can build a bespoke package to suit all budgets.

APF is the UK's largest forestry event APF is the UK's largest forestry event (Image: FJ)

John Bruce, Confor’s national manager for England, is working hard to bring together a great programme of seminars for the show and we hope to have a confirmed programme for next time.

The excitement is building to what is going to be another huge show with more events, competitions and demonstrations than ever before. Next month I will bring you up to date with all the events you will be able to see – if the editor gives me the space to do it.

Do book advance tickets and camping via our website now, while you remember.

See you next month.

For more information on APF 2024 visit, email Ian at or call 01428 723545.