In this series of articles, we will be sharing exclusive coverage from KWF Tagung 2024. 

A BRAND that could be spotted at almost every turn was one that might not be so well known in the UK – at least for now. 

On the continent, Eschlböck is one of the major players when it comes to woodchippers, large and small. From manually-fed disk-style and drum-style chippers to large-scale crane-fed machines, the brand does it all. That much was clear throughout the KWF site. 

As well as having its own stand and demonstration area (with the tractor-powered Biber 92 and its 75cm capacity a highlight), its woodchippers could be found impressing visitors to the Pfanzelt and Mercedes-Benz Unimog stands. 
In the UK, Eschlböck has yet to really make an imprint, despite previous attempts, with Brexit and COVID putting paid to earlier plans. But, as sales manager Alexander Eschlböck-Kumschier explained, the manufacturer is hoping to put that right as it returns to these shores with a vengeance later this year. 

Eschlböck's chippers would also be seen on a number of other stands, including Pfanzelt's Eschlböck's chippers could also be seen on a number of other stands, including Pfanzelt's (Image: FJ/JH)

“We are a family business, with about 160 employees,” he said. “We are located in Austria, and we have a very long heritage working to produce woodchippers. 

“The quality of the machines is very high. The woodchips our machines produce are very uniform in size, and that is very important for heating systems. It means the quality of burning is better. Customers can trust us for a really good service for spare parts. 

“We are proud of that, and these are high-quality Austrian-made products. You can see us at the APF later this year.” 

The manufacturer caters for the big and the small The manufacturer caters for the big and the small (Image: FJ/Jack Haugh)

As well as heading over for the UK’s largest forestry show, Eschlböck will also take its machines on a tour of the country, giving potential customers the chance to see its chippers working in real-world settings. 

“There is no trunk that is too big or too heavy for our machines,” Alex added. “Many of our customers are family businesses who produce woodchips for small heating systems, and big heating plants.”

Head to our YouTube channel to watch a full version of this interview, which will be published in the coming weeks.