In this series of articles, we will be sharing exclusive coverage from all aspects of the ARB Show 2024. 

WHEN it comes to accidents and injuries, the truth of it is that it’s usually a matter of when and not if for tree surgeons. So it’s vital that arborists are prepared for every eventuality. 

Trying to make that a far easier, more effective process are GreenLine Arb and MediArb. The two companies recently joined forces to launch an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Generator on the Green Line Arb platform, which provides professionals in the field with a comprehensive tool to effectively plan for and respond to emergency situations.

And unlike other similar products, EAP is tailored specifically to the unique challenges and requirements of people working in arboriculture.

“For me, running multiple teams, I’d have nightmares about my teams being safe on site,” said Nick Wilson, the founder of GreenLine Arb. “It’s my head on the chopping block if something goes wrong, and that was such a concern. You can’t be everywhere at all times watching what everyone is doing.

“This gives you that power to let your teams take responsibility. They know where the nearest points of help are, and how to get help quickly.

“But it also gives everyone on site power to be in control of their safety.

“It could be the team leader who is stuck or in an accident, so then you have the groundsman or an apprentice who needs to take control. It’s a difficult situation but the answers are there in the palm of your hand.” 

“It just shows the change in the industry and that we are moving forward with the times,” said MediArb’s Danny Ball. “People are buying into the safety aspect of things a little bit more.

“What Nick and Izzy [Rose] have done is come into the industry with this GreenLine Arb product at the right time. The new generation of arborists are so much younger and everything is done by a mobile phone. 

“What we have done is produce an EAP together that folk can get straight to their hands with a click of a button. If need be, they can get their casualties from A to B as quickly as possible, while having all the information they need to the emergency services. 

“No one wants to go to work and see your team get injured, but we have to be honest with ourselves. In this industry, it’s not if it happens, it’s when it happens.” 

Nick, who created the app based on his own experiences of working in an area he didn’t know, added: “We launched a year ago here at the ARB Show and I remember we were quite nervous and apprehensive. Then we walked into the Honey Bros tent, met Danny and showed him the app. Our original EAP feature was quite basic. Danny loved it, but he saw that it had loads of potential. That started the wheels turning.

Forestry Journal: Nick and Danny show off the app features Nick and Danny show off the app features (Image: Supplied)

“We went back to the engine room and we used Danny’s paper form of an EAP and turned it into an electric system.”

Danny added: “It’s made it into a no excuse tickbox. In my time working in the arb world, there have been plenty of excuses and people saying they don’t have time.

“Anyone can get involved in it. You can be a one-man band or a subcontractor on your own, or a big organisation employing X amount of people.

“In less than five minutes, it produces an EAP that keeps you compliant and safe.” 

Keep an eye across our channels for the full version of this interview and more in-depth coverage from arb's biggest event.