Gordon Davidson

News & Online Editor

News & Online editor, renewables specialist, social media guru. Joined our staff as teaboy in 1989, and has since inexorably moved up the ranks to the post of head tea-man. Still unsure over the difference between a ‘gimmer’ and a ‘hogget’.

News & Online editor, renewables specialist, social media guru. Joined our staff as teaboy in 1989, and has since inexorably moved up the ranks to the post of head tea-man. Still unsure over the difference between a ‘gimmer’ and a ‘hogget’.

Latest articles from Gordon Davidson

The trembling earth resounds her tread...

The Saltire flew at the World Clydesdale Show last weekend. This is Kirsty Aird, with Glenside Matthews Flower of Scotland, flying the flag for Scotland’s first hosting of this event during the opening ceremony.

Opinion Time for grown up decisions in Westminster

A GREAT deal of effort is now being made by the Conservative Party to insist that the 'grown ups' are back in charge, and the nation can once again breathe easy that there will be no more random policy lurches or scandals to throw us all into chaos.